科拉一个. 小巷米.A.

兼任艺术副教授 & 科学

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  • M.A.、戏剧, California State University, 富勒顿, CA
  • M.S., Education, California State University, 富勒顿, CA
  • B.A.、戏剧 & English, California State University, 富勒顿, CA


  • Certificate: Hollywood Scriptwriting Institute 好莱坞,
  • 阅读专家证书 California State University, 富勒顿, CA
  • 中级教师资格证书 California State University, 富勒顿, CA
  • 多学科教学证书 California State University, 富勒顿, CA


  • ENG1100英语作文
  • 文学导论
  • ENG2300戏剧导论
  • 写作技巧
  • 戏剧写作
  • ENG3220 Myth, Fantasy, and Imagination in Literature
  • ENG4100高级作文
  • 儿童文学
  • MUS2400 Worship Arts II: Dramatic Production in the Church


  • 美国教育家中谁是谁
  • American Association of College English Teachers
  • Outstanding Faculty Service Award, Pacific Christian College
  • Excellence In Children's Ministry Award, International Network of Children's Ministry
  • National Association of Theater Educators
  • Excellence in Theatrical Direction, Inland Empire Theater Guild
  • Excellence in Drama Ministry, Crossroads Christian Church


  • The use of drama in sermon illustrations for church worship services and in community outreach to communicate the Gospel in a visual age.
  • The training of dramatic writers to write original dramas for secular and church audiences.
  • Training students to write intelligently, 展现高层次的批判性思维, and adhere to the rules of correct grammar, 语法, 以及学术风格.
  • Helping promising writers market their material to secular and church publishers.
  • Writing skits and companion activities to help children understand how to enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ and how live God-honoring lives.
  • Writing original dramas to be used by pastors in sermon illustrations.
  • Writing original pageants and plays for churches to use in reaching out to their communities.


  艾黎,史蒂夫和科拉. Children's Follow-up Activities for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion,The Witch, and The Wardrobe ( Outreach International, San Diego, CA for Walt Disney Studios.)
2004-5 艾黎,史蒂夫和科拉. “反思”专栏作家 (标准出版社,辛辛那提,俄亥俄州.)
  • “我们将继续前进”
  • “安全通道”
  • “玩另一面”
  • "Sometimes It Does Make A Hill-of-Beans of a Difference."
2005 小巷里,科拉. 上帝的杰作...A portrait of the life that changed humanity. 访问 www.easterscript.com An Easter passion play , with original music, performed by churches for community outreach.
2000年总统. 伦纳德·斯威特的剧作家 “Preachingplus” (internet sermon resource site for pastors & church leaders-hosted by GROUP Publishing. Loveland,有限公司.)
1998年总统. 自由撰稿人 各种基督教期刊.
  • 集团杂志 (Group Publishing: Loveland,有限公司lorado)
  • 牧师. 杂志 (Group Publishing: Loveland,有限公司lorado)
  • 敬拜领袖杂志 (Web文章:WLM.org)
  • 拓展国际 (Web文章:外联.com)
  • 注意 (标准发布, 俄亥俄州辛辛那提)
1991年总统. 科拉·艾黎. INKspirations....跟随你回家的基督教戏剧. 儿童教会股份有限公司.加州科罗纳.)访问 www.inkspirations.org 130 pieces of dramatic literature for 青年 and adult sermon illustrations.
1978年总统. 艾黎,史蒂夫和科拉. SKITuations...A Skit Curriculum for Children's Church. 儿童教会股份有限公司.,科罗纳,加州)访问 www.skituations.com One hundred skits in fourteen volumes:
  • 成为基督徒
  • 与神一同成长
  • 活在基督里
  • 基督的比喻
  • 祷告与查经
  • 圣灵的果子
  • 崇拜神
  • 生活的真福
  • 神永恒的智慧
  • 神的应许
  • 与耶稣
  • 公司基础
  • 传教士
  • 家庭生活
  • 培训教材(署长指南 & 4-movie DVD)
2000 艾黎,史蒂夫和科拉. 儿童事工培训系列. International Network of Children's Ministry. 城堡岩公司. (Presenter's curriculum for 100-city tour)
  • "A FRESH Approach to Children's Ministry" including;
    • “家庭教学”
    • “关系建立教学”
    • “经验丰富的教学”
    • “基于精神上的教学”
    • “Help-oriented教学”
1999 艾黎,史蒂夫和科拉. 儿童事工培训系列. International Network of Children's Ministry. 城堡岩公司. (Presenter's curriculum for 100-city tour)
  • "Draw 'em In" - Attention-getting Techniques
  • "Fill 'em Up" - Story-telling Strategies
  • "Let 'em Lose" - Interactive Games and Learning Activities
  • "Send 'em Out" - Spiritual Applications in Real Life
1998 艾黎,史蒂夫和科拉. 儿童事工培训系列. International Network of Children's Ministry. 城堡岩公司. (Presenter's curriculum for 100-city tour)
  • “我明白你的意思”
  • "Designing Crafts That Make the Lesson Stick"
  • "Helping Children Know Jesus and Grow Spiritually"
  • "Big Ideas For Smaller Children's Ministries"
  • “让魔法部成为一个安全的地方”
1997 艾黎,史蒂夫和科拉. 儿童事工培训系列. International Network of Children's Ministry. 城堡岩公司. (Presenter's curriculum for 100-city tour)
  • "Creating Lessons That Last a Lifetime"
  • “创造迷人的教室”
  • “创造性的好东西,游戏 & 小玩意”
  • "Creating an Image For Children's Ministry"
1994 艾黎,史蒂夫和科拉, and Eastside Christian School. 新一代的圣经选择. (标准发布. 俄亥俄州辛辛那提.) 1,000 -Lesson Christian School Curriculum for K-6th Grade.



"The Care and Feeding of a Church Drama Ministry"
"Mind your P's and Q's" Dramatist and Senior Pastor Partnerships
"25 Ways to Illustrate the Pastor's Message"
"Pageant-in-a-Can" A Step-by-Step Guide to Staging a Pageant.



"Behold The Child" (Christian Mothering)
"Delivering the Good 新闻" (Christmas Message)

学习理论 & 教育策略:

"Using Drama and Activities to Reach Today's Child"


  • 流利的荷兰语
  • 西班牙语会话
  • Traveled extensively in the United States, Mexico, Hawaii, Bermuda, and Europe.
  • 戏剧和新闻写作
  • Hobbies include home-making, art, sewing, reading, gardening, scrap-booking.


It is my personal mission to prepare young men and women for ministry by teaching the science of good academic writing, 以及, 讲故事的艺术. 通过创造性的, 相关教学策略, I seek to teach students how to clearly articulate high-level critical analysis. 通过示范和实践, I strive to teach the next generation of Christian leaders how to implement the tools of effective theater to communicate the Gospel. I will continue to write dramatic Christian literature for children, 青年, and adults that will both educate audiences in the fundamentals of the Christian faith and inspire them to enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ and live God-honoring lives.

